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 Forum Rules Metin2LG

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2 posters
Game Administrator
Game Administrator

Mesaje : 15
Data de inscriere : 2010-07-12
Varsta : 35
Localizare : GM-Land

Forum Rules Metin2LG Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules Metin2LG   Forum Rules Metin2LG Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 10:15 pm

All users agree with the record on this forum next set of rules. Forum Team reserves the right to warn, censor and ban users who violate these rules.

Are allowed to register and use only one account on the forum. Registration and / or using multiple accounts on forums lead to their permanent ban. Forum Team (SMod / BA) should be informed, without exception, if two or more accounts used regularly, occasionally or permanently the same IP. Doing this leads to a permanent ban of both accounts.

After receipt of the 6th warning, an account may be banned at least seven days. In extreme cases, even more. If a ban is not permitted because the user to register a second account. An account risk being permanently banned again if the user receives a warning after he was released.

In extreme cases, to be carefully studied, members can also get money both in game and on IRC. The same will apply, and vice versa.
The rule applies to messages on forums and private messages (PMs).

Forum Terms and Conditions includes the entire game Metin2. Therefore German law will apply on board. This also means Metin2Ro owners are not responsible for any pictures or links that have copyright posted by forum members.

Trade account is not permitted or Items (weapons, Yang armor). By doing so, or just trying to do this can be punished both in game and forum with a permanent ban, and also can act legally.

Access forbidden sites Gameforge through proxy type services and lead to banning the account.

Forum ~ ~ Attitude

To ensure a relaxing atmosphere among all Forum participants are required to conduct minimum requirements.

Items prohibited content or links to pornographic, political extremist, immoral and offensive material. Also prohibited items that contain the activation codes, cracks, hacks or anything illegal nature, including illegal download pages and warez

It is also forbidden to post content that copyright.

Posting is not allowed any personal and private conversation without the consent of all parties.

Not allowed to post two or more consecutive times in less than 24 hours by the same user forum. Each post may be edited for 60 minutes after that period expires and posted on the continuation of the first post without a user of the forum to do so will be considered "Post Double" and will be punished as such.

It is not allowed posting content that do not correspond with the theme topic / section and failure of this rule results in a warning. Posts exception of Spam section. These include posts which only warns of a rule infringement.
Spam with emoticons or images is not permitted as they can aggravate people uploading computer. Images or posts that exceed regulatory limits (eg, a member must move vertically and / or horizontally to read all that post) are not allowed. Are allowed a maximum of six emoticons / post.
Images can be attached or added to the contents of a job, but they do not exceed the following steps:
Height: 600 pixels
Width: 600 pixels
And size of 200 KB each.
Also the maximum number of images allowed is two, if you have multiple files that need to post please use external link.

Contents, links, names of members, etc.. with the sole objective to annoy or insult other board members are prohibited in this community. The same thing applies in the post / posts which aim to light to annoy other members and / or insulting.

Not allowed to use inappropriate language and / or insulting.

Missing and / or links to other online games that do not belong to Gameforge are not allowed on all forums. Target links to games to count each visitor is not allowed. (Bite Links)

Posting is not permitted to name one of its members were banned. Violations will be punished with a warning. Sharing account with a banned member leads to a permanent ban on both accounts.

It is forbidden impersonation of a staff member. This includes name, avatar, signature, etc.. This results in a warning, and in extreme cases can lead to a ban on the forum, game, mirc.

It is forbidden to abuse the Report button.

Not allowed to discuss a ban (forum, game or IRC) on board. To this should get in touch using email or Private Messaging (PM), the Game Master or moderator involved or of his superior.
~ ~ Signatures and Avatars

Signature images must not exceed the following measures:
Height: 100 pixels
Length: 500 pixels
Height: 150 pixels
Length: 450 pixels

Size in both cases should not exceed 100 kb.

Signatures are not allowed any avatars that contain animations.

You may use the signature and text in English, as long as they are not vulgar or obscene words.

~ ~ Forum Team Members and Responsibilities

Each participant of the Forum has a duty to comply with its Rules. If you feel warned unfairly, first contact the moderator who gave you the warning. Subsequently must contact Super moderator. In extreme cases have the right to speak with the Board Administrator. Board Administrators have the last word it.

Follow the same procedure and if a topic is closed yours. Please do not open multiple threads with the same theme and try to use the search button.

Accumulation of warnings lead to a temporary ban on the forum. Each case will be reviewed individually. Register a new account during the suspension will be punished with a permanent ban. In extreme cases a member may be sanctioned with a ban without having to receive warnings.
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Mesaje : 1
Data de inscriere : 2010-09-17

Forum Rules Metin2LG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules Metin2LG   Forum Rules Metin2LG Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 12:06 am

bah romana romanaaa
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